Upcoming Events
Kid Zone Lego Night
September 6th - A fun night for our Kid Zone ministry! Starts at 6:30-8:15! Food will be included!
Church Safety Seminar
September 7th - We will have a church safety seminar from 10:00-3:00 pm! If you are interested, please see Doug Wyan or Pastor Corey for more details!
Big Air Lockin
September 13th-14th - Refuge Students will be having a Lock-in at Big Air! It will be from 11:00 pm to 8:00 am! It is $20 per student and does not include food! Please see Pastor Corey if you are interested!
Women's Ministry Ornament Event
September 20th - Our Women's Ministry will be hosting an ornament event! What better way to celebrate Christmas, than to come together with others and make your very own ornament?! More details to come!
September 29th - Come join us for our Homecoming service as Pastor Glenn Rusher comes to preach the Word!
Food Pantry
September 21st - Come out and help serve our community! Every 3rd Saturday of the month we gather together from 9-11am to serve those in need! We would love for you to join us this month on May 20th!
Family Sunday
September 22nd - We are looking forward to our Family Sunday as we gather together as a church and with our families to have a time of worship!
September 22nd - One Sunday night a month our students come together for a time of fellowship and go off campus as the youth group! This is known as Sunday Night After Church.
Wednesday Night Meal
Wednesday Nights 5:00 - 6:15 - Every Wednesday we offer a meal to those interested in eating before church. We ask for a donation of $5 per person and no more than $20 per family! The goal here is to make things easier on all of our families and provide a great space to Fellowship with one another prior to our Wednesday services!
Menu for next week will be: Breakfast bars. We hope to see you all come and participate in a great time of gathering!